There is some debate about whether or not digital replicas have any advantages over traditional print publications. The answer to that question seems obvious and logical. Being a technological invention, the digital replica distinguishes itself with a wide range of additional functionalities and advantages that print editions do not have.
For example, digital publications are very easy to purchase and keep indefinitely, and they can be read on up to three separate devices at the same time. Mobile-friendly digital replicas can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. If your users enjoy reading on the go, they can take their entire library with them on the bus, train or airplane — or even to the beach!
Branded Editions’ technology also allows your subscribers to learn and practice other languages by using the translation and audio features. In addition, your Digital Edition products have settings that can be changed to meet your users’ needs and increase their reading comfort. For example, readers can enlarge the text and increase or decrease screen brightness. The on-demand audio feature gives the visually impaired and those on the go an additional way to consume news and stories.
Digital Editions enables readers to share articles they enjoy through email or social media. Our technology also gives users the ability to track their topics of interest, to create and maintain personal collections of stories, and to set alerts.
With technology advancing so rapidly, ordinary users might find it hard to keep up with all the developments. Teaching your readers how to use all these features through a how-to video or a navigation guide on your platform can elevate your user experience, boost your subscription rate and create engagement.
We have put together a few examples of what our publishers are doing to educate their readers on how to use and get all benefits from their ePaper products.
Adding a Custom Help Section inside of your web-viewer
The Busy Weekly and Saltwire E-Edition
Adding an Overlay Page with Tooltips
HOLA Digital Edition and Le Journal de Montreal
Publishers with Custom FAQ Sections for Landing Page
Toronto Star and Kiosko LA NACION
Publishers with Navigations Guides or How-to videos